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OCD Screen

OCD Screen

This test is an informal screening test to help you find out more information about your own thinking and behaviour. It is not intended to be a formal assessment. It is not a replacement for treatment a mental health professional.

Part A.  Please circle YES or NO for the following questions, based on your experience in the past MONTH:
1. Have you been bothered by unpleasant thoughts or images that repeatedly enter your mind, such as:
Space Cell YESNO
Concerns with contamination (dirt, germs, chemicals, radiation)
Overconcern with keeping objects (clothing, tools, etc) in perfect order or arranged exactly?
Images of death or other horrible events?
Personally unacceptable religious or sexual thoughts?
2. Have you worried a lot about terrible things happening, such as:
Space Cell YESNO
Fire, burglary or flooding of the house?
Accidentally hitting a pedestrian with your car or letting it roll down a hill?
Spreading an illness?
Losing something valuable?
Harm coming to a loved one because you weren't careful enough?
3. Have you worried about acting on an unwanted and senseless urge or impulse, such as:
Space Cell YESNO
Physically harming a loved one or stranger, ie pushing them into traffic, inappropriate sexual contact
4. Have you felt driven to perform certain acts over and over again, such as:
Space Cell YESNO
Excessive or ritualized washing, cleaning or grooming?
Checking light switches, water faucets, the stove, door locks or the emergency brake?
Counting, arranging; evening-up behaviors (making sure socks are at same height)?
Collecting useless objects or inspecting the garbage before it is thrown out?
Repeating routine actions a certain number of times or until it feels just right?
Needing to touch objects or people?
Unnecessary rereading or rewriting; reopening envelopes before they are mailed?
Examining your body for signs of illness?
Avoiding colours associated with dreaded events or thoughts
Needing to “confess” or repeatedly asking for reassurance that you said or did something correctly.
The following questions refer to the repeated thoughts, images, urges or behaviors identified above. Consider your experience during the past 30 days when selecting an answer. Circle the most appropriate number from 0 to 4.
5. On average, how much time is occupied by these thoughts or behaviors each day? *This question is required.
NoneMild - less than 1 hourModerate - 1-3 hoursSevere - 3- 8 hoursExtreme - More than 8
6. How much distress do they cause you? *This question is required.
NoneMildModerateSevereExtreme - (Disabling)
7. How hard is it for you to control them? *This question is required.
Complete ControlMuch ControlModerate ControlLittle ControlNo Control
8. How much do they cause you to avoid doing anything, going anyplace or being with anyone? *This question is required.
No AvoidanceOccasional avoidanceModerate avoidanceFrequent and extensive avoidanceExtreme avoidance (house- bound)
9. How much do they interfere with school, work or your social or family life? *This question is required.
NoneSlight interferenceDefinitely interferes with functioningMuch interferenceExtreme interference (disabling)
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