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Digital maturity model - senior leaders 2017

This model has been designed to help third sector organisations reflect on their current use of digital.

We recommend that one person completes the questions on behalf of an organistion, but you may need to work with colleagues to answer all of the questions. The answers will be kept confidential, although anonymised statistics may be used to help develop further support. 

The model has five sections covering:
  • Leadership, culture and skills
  • Technology
  • Content, marketing and data
  • Transactions
  • Service design
Within each section there are around five multiple choice questions. There are no right or wrong answers, and don't worry if you are not familiar with some of the topics.

SCVO and Ross McCulloch will review your responses before the first meeting of the Senior Leaders Programme to help understand how you currently use digital across your organisation.

This is a draft model and we would like to get your feedback about the questions asked, and what might be missing so if you feel there are gaps please make a note of these for further discussion.

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