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Survey for creative business support organisations - The role of cultural and creative sectors in innovating European industry


Commissioned by the European Commission Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs (DG GROW), this short survey aims at informing the ongoing impulse paper on the role of cultural and creative sectors (CCS) in innovating European industry. This report focuses on how CCS contribute to triggering innovation in the wider economy, especially in relation to the most advanced technological/digital trends and the social impact of these technologies.
We value very much your experience as your answers will shape the discussion between the European Commission and CCS stakeholders as part of the regular dialogue starting early 2019 with two workshops. This will form the basis for developing future strategies and actions for the CCS in the framework of the EU industrial policy.

For any enquiry concerning the survey, please contact
1. In which CCS sub-sector are you active?
2. How often do you facilitate the meeting between CCS and other industries?
3. With which industry sector have you enabled collaborations with the CCS? (Tick all that apply)
4. Have you facilitated the interaction between CCS and any of the following digital technologies?
5. According to you, what are the main benefits of CCS-industry collaboration? (Tick all that apply)
6. What do you consider to be the barriers to collaborations between CCS and other industries? (Please rank the level of importance for each proposal)
Space Cell Extremely importantVery importantModerately importantSlightly importantNot at all important
Lack of awareness or interest in the CCS to work with the industry
Lack of a common language between the CCS and industry to collaborate
Lack of readiness to collaborate from the industry
Lack of readiness to collaborate from the industry
Lack of business case / market for such collaborations
Lack of visibility of existing collaborations to start a community of practices
Lack of space to meet and start off collaborations
Lack of relevant contacts in industry
Lack of skills in the CCS
Lack of scale in the CCS to engage in cross-innovation
Lack of financial resources to engage in collaboration
Lack of a supportive environment
7. What incentives, brokerage tools do you already use or make available to encourage cross-collaborations between CCS and industry? (Tick all that apply)
8. What other incentives would you consider as relevant for CCS to collaborate more with other industries? (Please rank the level of importance for each proposal)
Space Cell Extremely importantVery importantModerately importantSlightly importantNot at all important
Brokerage events
Locally-based networks
International networks
Physical and/or virtual platforms
Facilitators / organisations connecting CCS and industry
Spaces to meet and network
Experimentation spaces with prototyping facilities (hubs, labs, maker spaces, FabLabs)
Staff exchanges schemes
Direct financial support to collaborations
Acceleration/ incubation programmes dedicated to collaborations between CCS and industry
Scaling-up programmes dedicated to collaborations between CCS and industry
Targeted support between smaller companies
Policy support (e.g. CCS friendly innovation strategies)
9. According to you, what should be on the agenda for discussion of a structured dialogue between the CCS and industry piloted by the European Commission? (Please rank the level of importance for each proposal)
Space Cell Extremely importantVery importantModerately importantSlightly importantNot at all important
Meaningful innovation where creativity helps responding to the needs of society (e.g. in a user-centred approach)
Skills transfers from the CCS empowering industrial sectors
Supportive ecosystems to spur collaborations between the CCS and industry
Creative inputs developing new experiences in other sectors
CCS triggering innovation in emerging technologies (e.g. AI, IoT …)
CCS triggering innovation in traditional industrial sectors
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As a result of the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we would like to inform you that your personal data will be used in the context of the study ‘Impulse paper on the role of cultural and creative sectors in innovating European industry’ in order to inform you about the outcome of the research and future activities in the framework of the regular dialogue with cultural and creative sectors in the context of the renewed Industrial Policy Strategy of the European Commission. Such personal data are not shared with third parties and are kept only as long as relevant for the referred activities.

Thank you!
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