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Businesses' Payroll & HR Employee Wellness Strategies


The purpose of this survey is to get insight into the workplace of today and employees' place within it. A huge change is in progress meaning that employees are having a direct impact on Businesses' wellness strategies from the bottom up and no longer the top down. We are interested to have your input and expertise to give us a strong idea if the 4th industrial revolution that is employee driven business is real. If you have 5 minutes to complete it, it will really give us great insight into the future of work.
1. Do you feel employees expect you to provide help and advice with their financial wellbeing? *This question is required.
2. Have you found employees' financial wellness issues impacting your business, through absenteeism and presenteeism? *This question is required.
3. Do you believe that your Business' people strategy should include ways to help employees with wellness?
4. Do you believe your employees would benefit from "pay on demand" - the facility to request earned income from you whenever they need it before their next pay date? *This question is required.
5. Do you believe your employees would benefit from "flexible pay" - the facility to spread the receipt of their pay throughout the month, for example they are paid £2000, and they want £1000 on normal credit date, £720 2 weeks later, and then the remainder a week before next pay day? *This question is required.
6. Do you feel connected to your employees skills, aspirations, and performance?
7. Do you think easy and accessible internal software based mentoring would promote self-development, networking, and an increased diverse skills base if it were available?
8. Do you have sufficient insight into your employees?
10. Does your Business have a mobile employee strategy? for example, full access to all their tools via mobile devices
11. Would you use Payroll data to help build Business strategy rather than just for reporting?