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Foresight in human genomics

Important future technologies in human genomics


This survey aims to explore upcoming technological developments in the field of human genetics and genomics. It will take 5-15 minutes, depending on how much information you want to share with us.

The survey is conducted within SIENNA H2020 project, funded by the European Commission (; in particular, within the work package on ethics of genomics, led by Dr. Heidi Carmen Howard, Uppsala University. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Emilia Niemiec:

The anonymous results of the survey will be analysed and included in a publicly accessible SIENNA project report, presented at SIENNA workshops and potentially published in academic journals. By participating in the survey you consent to such uses of the deidentified results. To learn about processing of personal data in SIENNA project visit:
3. At what stage of development the technology is?
4. How soon the technology is likely to be implemented?
5. Are there any other technologies you would like tell us about? *This question is required.