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MY Migraine Mindfulness (MMM) survey

Informed Consent Statement

Dear Doctor,
We are from Novartis Corporation (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. At Novartis, we strive to be transparent in all our interactions. The MY Migraine Mindfulness (MMM) Survey 
is a voluntary and anonymized survey exercise conducted by Novartis with Malaysian doctors to learn more about:
1.     Knowledge on migraine disease; and
2.     Attitudes and practices in the management of patient with migraine disease.
The response collected from this survey will enable Novartis to develop relevant and customized educational modules for the doctors.     
There will be neither collection of your personal data nor your Internet Protocol (IP) address. Your response will remain anonymous. This is a voluntary enrolment survey with no obligation to participate. You agree that you will not receive nor does Novartis intent to provide you with any compensation or benefit-in kind in exchange for your participation in this Survey. You are not obliged to answer all questions, and you may stop answering the Survey at any time.
This Survey will take just 4 minutes to complete.  We look forward for your full engagement in responding to this Survey. Thank You!

I understand all terms and conditions stated in this Informed Consent Statement for the MMM Survey.  By clicking ‘Yes’, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the terms and condition stated above and agreed to participate in the MMM Survey. *This question is required.