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European Network of Cities: Call for interest

Cities and metropolitan areas have a critical role in ensuring the sustainable development of local communities. They have the capacity to build on local strengths, but at the same time to establish strong international partnerships.

The European Commission in collaboration with Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale is seeking to develop a European Network of Cities for Apprenticeship.

This network aims to raise awareness on the role of the cities in supporting apprenticeships in collaboration with regional and national stakeholders, to become an advocacy platform, and to provide cities with information, training, and technical and policy assistance. It will play a proactive role in encouraging development of “green skills” as well as digital skills in apprenticeships.

Cities have the potential to be a key success factors of apprenticeship, from development to implementation, increasing the scale, breadth and quality of Apprenticeships. For example, the inclusion of apprenticeship and training in public procurement contracts has proved to be an effective measure to support apprenticeship and skill development in many cities across Europe.

The network will start its activities in June 2020 through a series of virtual and live workshops. During these events, the members will contribute to shaping the network presenting their expectations and ideas. At the same time, the workshops will become catalyst for discussions on the role of cities in developing and implementing apprenticeships.

The first online workshop will take place on Thursday 11 June 2020. 

At this stage, the network is only open to cities working on or interested in fostering apprenticeship. If you are interested to join the network, or you would like to refer a city/local authority, please fill in the form below.
Once we receive your application, we will get in touch with you and provide you with further practical information.
1. Please select the most appropriate answer: *This question is required.