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Places Matter - Building Inclusion in the Arts


Places Matter - Building inclusion in the arts

One year on from the conference Places Matter – Building inclusion in the arts (the second biennial conference between the Arts Council and Local Government) and the launch of the Arts Council’s Equality Human Rights and Diversity Policy, we would like to capture any impact this event may have had on your policies, programmes, practices and participants.
One year on we are also in unprecedented territory, with a global pandemic that has impacted on all of our work. The need to connect with people has never been so important; our capacity to do so is both compromised and challenging and there is heightened awareness of the need to connect meaningfully with vulnerable and marginalised communities.  
While we totally appreciate organisational change takes time, we would like to understand any challenges you may face and how you can be supported in meeting your ambitions to be more inclusive in your work in arts development.

To look back at the event and to hear comments from contributors and audiences please see the highlights here:
This survey is being issued to organisations who attended the Places Matter conference on 27 and 28 March 2019 in NUIG Galway.
How long will it take?

There are 13 Questions and it should take approx. 20 minutes, however it will depend on how much you have to or want to input in places. Note - once you select certain options more questions may appear requesting more detail. 

Do I have to answer all the questions?

Apart from your organisation details there are no mandatory fields. There are no right and wrong answers. The more questions you can answer and the more detail you can give the more useful the survey is and our support of your work.

How will the Arts Council use the information I provide?

Please be assured that we are collecting this information to inform our understanding of how we can continue to support equality, human rights and diversity in the arts in Ireland today. The information you submit will have no bearing on your funding relationship with the Arts Council.
What is the deadline?

We have set a deadline of close of business Thursday 27th August